1. anim.plots::PGgame
    Data from 20 rounds of a public goods game with punishment
  2. anim.plots::cities
    Cities near the Grande Armee's march on Moscow
  3. anim.plots::gm_data
    Gapminder GDP, life expectancy and population data
  4. anim.plots::hurricanes
    Wind speed data for hurricanes in 2009
  5. anim.plots::temps
    Temperatures for the Grande Armee's march on Moscow
  6. anim.plots::troops
    Troop numbers for the Grande Armee's march on Moscow
  7. codesamples::github_data
    Github R Snippets
  8. codesamples::package_examples
    Package examples
  9. codesamples::so_questions
    Stack Overflow R Snippets
  10. huxtable::jams
    Prices of 3 jams
  11. rcheology::Rversions
    Previous R versions with dates
  12. rcheology::rcheology
    Data on objects from current and previous versions of R