Package: huxtable 5.6.0
huxtable: Easily Create and Style Tables for LaTeX, HTML and Other Formats
Creates styled tables for data presentation. Export to HTML, LaTeX, RTF, 'Word', 'Excel', and 'PowerPoint'. Simple, modern interface to manipulate borders, size, position, captions, colours, text styles and number formatting. Table cells can span multiple rows and/or columns. Includes a 'huxreg' function for creation of regression tables, and 'quick_*' one-liners to print data to a new document.
huxtable.pdf |huxtable.html✨
huxtable/json (API)
# Install 'huxtable' in R: |
install.packages('huxtable', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
Pkgdown site:
- jams - Prices of 3 jams
Last updated 16 days agofrom:0f24f38c3d (on v5.6.0-rc2). Checks:1 OK, 8 NOTE. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.5-win | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.5-mac | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.4-win | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.4-mac | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.4-linux | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.3-win | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
R-4.3-mac | NOTE | Mar 05 2025 |
{Huxtable themes - HTML version
Rendered fromthemes-html.html.asis
on Mar 05 2025.Last update: 2024-06-30
Started: 2024-06-30
Design principles, comparisons and limitations - HTML version
Rendered fromdesign-principles-html.html.asis
on Mar 05 2025.Last update: 2024-06-30
Started: 2024-06-30
Design principles, comparisons and limitations - PDF version
Rendered fromdesign-principles-pdf.pdf.asis
on Mar 05 2025.Last update: 2024-06-30
Started: 2024-06-30
Introduction to huxtable - HTML version
Rendered fromhuxtable-html.html.asis
on Mar 05 2025.Last update: 2024-06-30
Started: 2024-06-30
Introduction to huxtable - PDF version
Rendered fromhuxtable-pdf.pdf.asis
on Mar 05 2025.Last update: 2024-06-30
Started: 2024-06-30
Regression tables with huxreg - HTML version
Rendered fromhuxreg-html.html.asis
on Mar 05 2025.Last update: 2024-06-30
Started: 2024-06-30
Regression tables with huxreg - PDF version
Rendered fromhuxreg-pdf.pdf.asis
on Mar 05 2025.Last update: 2024-06-30
Started: 2024-06-30
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
Quick introduction to huxtable | huxtable-package |
Subset a huxtable | $<-.huxtable [.huxtable [<-.huxtable [[<-.huxtable |
Add column or row names | add_colnames add_colnames.huxtable add_rownames add_rownames.huxtable |
Add a row with a footnote | add_footnote |
Insert one huxtable into another | add_columns add_rows |
Set the horizontal alignment of cell content | align align<- map_align set_align |
Convert a huxtable for Word/Powerpoint | as_flextable as_flextable.huxtable |
Convert objects to huxtables | as_hux as_huxtable as_huxtable.default as_huxtable.grouped_df is_hux is_huxtable |
Convert a huxtable for Excel | as_Workbook as_Workbook.huxtable |
Set cell background color | background_color background_color<- map_background_color set_background_color |
Make cell text bold or italic | bold bold<- italic italic<- map_bold map_italic set_bold set_italic |
Set border colors | border-colors bottom_border_color bottom_border_color<- left_border_color left_border_color<- map_bottom_border_color map_left_border_color map_right_border_color map_top_border_color right_border_color right_border_color<- set_bottom_border_color set_left_border_color set_right_border_color set_top_border_color top_border_color top_border_color<- `bottom_border_color<-` `left_border_color<-` `right_border_color<-` `top_border_color<-` |
Set border styles | border-styles bottom_border_style bottom_border_style<- left_border_style left_border_style<- map_bottom_border_style map_left_border_style map_right_border_style map_top_border_style right_border_style right_border_style<- set_bottom_border_style set_left_border_style set_right_border_style set_top_border_style top_border_style top_border_style<- `bottom_border_style<-` `left_border_style<-` `right_border_style<-` `top_border_style<-` |
Set borders | borders bottom_border bottom_border<- bottom_border<-.huxtable left_border left_border<- left_border<-.huxtable map_bottom_border map_left_border map_right_border map_top_border right_border right_border<- right_border<-.huxtable set_bottom_border set_left_border set_right_border set_top_border top_border top_border<- top_border<-.huxtable `bottom_border<-` `left_border<-` `right_border<-` `top_border<-` |
Create a border object | brdr |
Get thickness of a 'brdr()' object | brdr_thickness |
Map cell contents to properties using 'case_when' | by_cases |
Map numeric cell contents smoothly to colors | by_colorspace |
Map cell contents to cell properties using a function or scale | by_function |
Map numeric quantiles to cell properties | by_equal_groups by_quantiles |
Map numeric ranges to cell properties | by_ranges |
Map cells matching a string or regex to cell properties | by_regex |
Set cell properties by row or column | by_cols by_rows |
Map specific cell values to cell properties | by_values |
Set the table caption | caption caption<- set_caption |
Position the table's caption | caption_pos caption_pos<- set_caption_pos |
Set the width of the table caption | caption_width caption_width<- set_caption_width |
Combine rows or columns | cbind.huxtable rbind.huxtable |
Set the width of table columns | col_width col_width<- set_col_width |
Convert a column to header rows | column_to_header |
Escape or unescape text in cells | escape_contents escape_contents<- map_escape_contents set_escape_contents |
Return the last n rows or columns | final |
Format numbers as percent | fmt_percent |
Use 'prettyNum()' to format numbers | fmt_pretty |
Set the font for cell text | font font<- map_font set_font |
Make text larger or smaller | font_size font_size<- map_font_size set_font_size |
Guess knitr output format | guess_knitr_output_format |
Mark rows or columns as headers | header_cols header_cols<- header_rows header_rows<- set_header_cols set_header_rows |
Set the table height | height height<- set_height |
Huxtable logo | hux_logo |
Create a huxtable to display model output | huxreg |
Create a huxtable | hux huxtable tribble_hux |
Frequently Asked Questions, including how to get help | huxtable-FAQ |
Changes to the huxtable package | huxtable-news |
Package options | huxtable-options |
Insert a row or column | insert_column insert_row |
Prices of 3 jams | jams |
Print data frames in knitr using huxtable | |
Print a huxtable within knitr | knit_print.huxtable |
Set a table label for external referencing | label label<- set_label |
Set the position of the table float in LaTeX | latex_float latex_float<- set_latex_float |
How to set cell properties variably by cell contents | mapping-functions mapping_functions |
Interpret cell content as markdown | map_markdown markdown markdown<- set_markdown |
Merge cells across rows or down columns | merge_across merge_down |
Merge a range of cells | merge_cells |
Merge repeated rows into multirow cells | merge_repeated_rows |
Use dplyr verbs with huxtable objects | dplyr-verbs mutate mutate.huxtable |
Change how NA values are printed | map_na_string na_string na_string<- set_na_string |
Set how numbers are formatted in cells | map_number_format number_format number_format<- set_number_format |
Set padding | bottom_padding bottom_padding<- left_padding left_padding<- map_bottom_padding map_left_padding map_right_padding map_top_padding padding right_padding right_padding<- set_bottom_padding set_left_padding set_right_padding set_top_padding top_padding top_padding<- |
Set the table's position with respect to surrounding content | position position<- set_position |
Create HTML representing a huxtable | print_html print_notebook to_html to_html.huxtable |
Create LaTeX representing a huxtable | print_latex to_latex to_latex.huxtable |
Create Markdown representing a huxtable | print_md to_md to_md.huxtable |
Create RTF representing a huxtable | print_rtf to_rtf to_rtf.huxtable |
Print a huxtable on screen | print_screen to_screen to_screen.huxtable |
Format and print huxtables using a default method | format.huxtable print.huxtable |
Quickly print objects to a PDF, TeX, HTML, Microsoft Office or RTF document | quick-output quick_docx quick_html quick_latex quick_pdf quick_pptx quick_rtf quick_xlsx |
Manage LaTeX dependencies for huxtables | check_latex_dependencies install_latex_dependencies report_latex_dependencies |
Restack huxtables across/down the page | restack-across-down restack_across restack_down |
Rotate text within cells | map_rotation rotation rotation<- set_rotation |
Set the height of table rows | row_height row_height<- set_row_height |
Different ways to select rows and columns | rowspecs |
Create RTF font and color tables | rtf_fc_tables |
Escape text for various formats | sanitize |
Set cell contents | contents contents<- map_contents set_contents |
Default huxtable properties | get_default_properties set_default_properties |
Set cell contents, interpreting them as markdown | set_markdown_contents |
Set left, right, top and bottom properties | map_all_borders map_all_border_colors map_all_border_styles map_all_padding map_lr_borders map_lr_border_colors map_lr_border_styles map_lr_padding map_tb_borders map_tb_border_colors map_tb_border_styles map_tb_padding set-multiple set_all_borders set_all_border_colors set_all_border_styles set_all_padding set_lr_borders set_lr_border_colors set_lr_border_styles set_lr_padding set_tb_borders set_tb_border_colors set_tb_border_styles set_tb_padding |
Set borders and padding around a rectangle of cells | set-outer set_outer_borders set_outer_border_colors set_outer_border_styles set_outer_padding |
Extend cells over multiple rows and/or columns | colspan colspan<- map_colspan map_rowspan rowspan rowspan<- set_colspan set_rowspan spans |
Split a huxtable into multiple huxtables | split-across-down split_across split_down |
Return every n row or column numbers | evens every everywhere odds stripe |
Set background color stripes | stripes stripe_columns stripe_rows |
Set multiple properties on headers | set_cell_properties style-functions style_cells style_headers style_header_cols style_header_rows |
Transpose a huxtable | t.huxtable |
Set the "table" environment in LaTeX | set_table_environment table_environment table_environment<- |
Set the table's tabular environment in LaTeX | set_tabular_environment tabular_environment tabular_environment<- |
Set the color of text in cells | map_text_color set_text_color text_color text_color<- |
Theme a huxtable | themes theme_article theme_basic theme_blue theme_bright theme_compact theme_green theme_grey theme_mondrian theme_orange theme_plain theme_striped |
Change a model's 'tidy' output | glance.tidy_override nobs.tidy_override tidy.tidy_override tidy_override tidy_replace |
Set the vertical alignment of cell content | map_valign set_valign valign valign<- |
Set the table width | set_width width width<- |
Wrap cell content over multiple lines | map_wrap set_wrap wrap wrap<- |